
  • inclusive student support services - counselling for special needs strengths based therapy

    Strengths Based Therapy.

    The children and young adults who present with symptoms of Autism and/or ADHD are often unaware of their natural abilities and potential to achieve. Susan focuses on their strengths, their talents and the things that make them individually unique. When a person has insight into their strengths, this creates an opportunity to shift to a more positive view of their aptitude and the world around them.

    Many studies have shown that when a strengths-based approach is used, clients have reported greater levels of self-esteem and wellbeing as well as a reduction in depression/anxiety. Susan works with clients to help them to identify their strengths and then to use these to support them in their personal growth.

  • inclusive student support services - counselling for special needs cognitive behaviour therapy

    Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

    Individuals who have autism often present with anxiety, anger or depression. They may find it very difficult to manage these emotions, which people commonly refer to as “meltdowns”. In addition, they may also find it very difficult to form and maintain friendships, particularly with people in the same age group. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), is used to modify unhelpful thinking patterns to develop efficient and effective coping strategies in respect to their emotions and behaviours. Susan encourages clients to identify their emotions and examine situations that lead to particular thinking styles, and by doing so helps them to improve their interpersonal skills and form stronger friendships.

  • inclusive student support services - counselling for special needs person centred therapy

    Person-Centred Therapy.

    Susan supports her clients by helping them to focus on their own goals and aspirations. Susan assists clients in creating their own specific, achievable goals and supports them in the step by step process of seeing these come to fruition. She shares in their success as small steps are taken to achieve their greater goal. She assists them in identifying barriers that present themselves along the way and helps to put supports in place to overcome the barriers.

    This approach enables clients to build and keep control over what is important to them in their life and to make the progress they desire. These may also be goals that have been identified by the client in their NDIS plan, which Susan is able to support and assist in their achievement of.