Early Intervention & School Support
Mainstream, Support Unit or School for Specific Purposes (SSP).
Susan has a thorough knowledge of the various school settings available to children. Susan has a Master of Special Education (with Distinction) and has worked within the NSW Department of Education for more than 15 years. She has worked as a classroom teacher and educational leader in mainstream, support units and a school for specific purposes.
Classroom & School Placement Support for Special Needs.
Susan has been a member of selection panels, involved in the decision-making process for best school placements for children with additional needs. She has also created access requests for students to be considered for transition into settings that the child and their family consider to be the most suitable setting for them. Susan is in a unique position to advise and provide advocacy for families.
Pre-Schools / Early Intervention.
Early diagnosis and intervention is key for children who have autism. This starts with a thorough assessment of the individual needs, strengths and interests of the child, and any developmental delays. Susan supports children in the preschool years in their social and emotional communication. She observes children in their early childhood or preschool setting and provides support and training for early childhood educators.